If I had a dollar for every time I started this blog, I could quit my job and almost-blog for a living. Sadly, I have found no one who sponsors almost-writers. (If you know of one, you could pass that info along).
But today I bite the proverbial bullet (which is an idiom that comes from pre-anesthesia times when the wounded were given a bullet to bite on while surgery was performed. Chew on that...) Today I publish!
I have actually blogged before. My first was a personal blog site. I even used a pseudonym because if I was famous for it, I didn't want me mother to be ashamed of me. Alas, it lasted 3 posts before I grew tired of it (actually I think it was learning to knit that took its place in the "extra-curricular things I have time for" area). I also blogged for the 15 day challenge, a series of tech tips, and for the IDOE Digital Learning Month (my post coming Feb 28th!). But if we are in honesty town (population me), I didn't quit blogging because I didn't have time (although I really don't). I quit because I was afraid I was the only one who thought I was funny (really, though, I think I'm funny enough for everyone). I was afraid that I wouldn't have enough cool things to say to sustain an entire website devoted to my rantings, educational or not.
Today it's a different reason. I fear I will blog angry. Or blog hurt. Or blog myself out of a job. And since we established in the first paragraph that I am unlikely to get funding, getting fired would create a vacuum. Plus, I love my job.
But as Eleanor Roosevelt said, we gotta do what we are scared will crash and burn. I paraphrase, of course.
So today I publish and give myself permission. I give myself permission to fail. I will allow myself to be ok when I do not blog and when my blogs are... breathe... boring. I will blog a little and I may blog a lot. I will blog with patience, but not blog of snot... starting now (My tribute to Read Across America, Sign up and Pledge Here).
Yes I am frantic and yes I am... not really sure. I wanted to continue rhyming and got distracted. My first blog is dedicated to +JT Cox for blogging first. And admitting it. He was also the one that named my blog.
The moral of this story is get out there and try something new. And share it. And accept feedback (comments are off... Just kidding... actually they might be, but I will figure out how to turn them on...probably). And give yourself permission to fail. And a dollar.