Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Heated Toilet Seats: Why Our Kids Need New Schools

I know you are thinking: What do heated toilet seats have to do with education?  And if you aren't thinking that, we should be friends...

There is a coffee shop near my house that has a heated toilet seat.  In an area of the world where we experience all four seasons to the fullest, heated toilet seats are a wonderful luxury. 

If you sit to do bathroom business, you know that a clean seat is a must.  Approaching a seat that needs to be cleaned before your bottom hits it is awful, gross and time-consuming.  But what I have found is that the heated seat in my coffee shop is always clean.

Why?  Two things: 1. bottoms love it so there is no hovering and therefore less opportunity for mess-making, 2. people respect the luxury of the heated seat.

When you walk into a bathroom that is littered with paper, trash and graffiti, one more doesn't really matter.  When you walk into a clean bathroom, you are under much more pressure to keep it clean and perfect.  

It's like the episode of Bugs Bunny where the different hats land on Bugs and Elmer and their actions reflect the hat they are wearing.

This brings me to new schools.  There are those that say, why do kids need new buildings? Can't they learn where they are? Yes, they can.  Just don't get upset when they are throwing trash and paper and leaving a messy seat, metaphorically speaking, of course.  While their peers, in shiny clean buildings, are enjoying heated toilet seats and clean bathroom walls, picking up after themselves and leaving the seat clean for the next student. 

Environment matters.  Make it clean, keep it clean.  And do whatever it takes to give kids new buildings, new books, new devices, new whatever makes them feel respected and important.

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