Thursday, August 13, 2015

Being an adult sucks

The memes are all over about how hard it is to "adult".

Image result for i do not want to adult today           Image result for i do not want to adult today
Image result for i do not want to adult today

But the truth of it is, no one is really prepared to be an adult.  The question if teachers are actually preparing kids for the real world is pointless.  Because NO ONE CAN PREPARE YOU.

I used to think that being an adult would eventually get easier.  I thought it was like tying your shoe or brushing your hair; the better you are at it, the easier it is.

But this is not true.

In fact, it is the opposite.  The better teacher you are, the harder your job is.  Crappy teachers (business people, any other profession) have it easy.  They come in, work their seven and a half hours, leave, go do grown-up things like watch the news, fix dinner and shower and brush their teeth.

I thought maybe I was doing it wrong.  After all, they say "work smarter, not harder."

THAT IS THE DUMBEST THING EVER.  Almost as dumb as becoming an adult.  Here's the thing: I have avoided actually become an adult, but even that has brought problems.  Besides a disturbing lack of hygiene, I can't spell and I get in trouble ALL THE TIME.  I am the 30-year-old version of No, David, Joey Pigza and Jack Henry.

It's like having a birthday.  You wake up and expect to feel different because you are a year older.  But you don't.  You feel the same as yesterday.

I will close with lyrics from Christina Perri because they are relevant and also because I will see her in concert next month and naturally I shout that out every time someone mentions her.  Or her songs. Or says any word that is a lyric of any of her songs...

"I'm so sorry it's not like me,
It's maturity that I'm lacking
So don't, don't let me go
Just let me know that growing up goes slow"



  1. LOL! My thoughts exactly this week too :) Thanks for sharing the sentiment!

  2. You are welcome :) Thanks for reading and commenting. One day, Claire, one day we will get it right... ;)
