Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Why Debbie Ettel Made Me Cry

For those of you that know Debbie, I am sure you are shocked.  You are asking yourself what heinous act she commented to bring Hutch to tears.  Well, I will tell you.  It was last school year, but I can remember it like it was yesterday and every time I see her, I almost relive it...

Riverside Elementary was not my building at the beginning of the year.  When my colleague took a position filling in elsewhere in the district, I took on the building and its tech needs.  This was the first time I spoke with Debbie at any length.

It wasn't our first meeting, or even our second, when she made me cry.  It was late in the year and I was having a particularly bad day.  So in her defense, had I been having a better day, I may not have cried.  But on that particular day, that particularly bad day, it was all I could take.

Teachers and administrators had been nasty to me all day.  Parents and kids had been complaining.  Even my husband was not being very nice.  I felt unappreciated, unrecognized and unloved.

And then came Ms. Ettel.

And she... was so nice and sweet and caring and genuine that I could not take it.  She made me feel so smart and accomplished and good about myself.  I never want to leave her office or her company when I am there (she has to kick me out sometimes).  And so, as I walked to my car, I started to cry.

Why can't everybody be like Debbie?  I know she has had trials and tribulations and has probably been "wronged" and had her heart broken more than once, but no matter where she is, or what is attacking her, she is shining on the outside.  That must be exhausting, but I need her to know that I notice, and I need it, and I appreciate it.

So I boo-hoo-ed.  Mostly because I felt sorry for myself.  Why was I not surrounded by Debbie Ettels?  Maybe then, I could not appreciate her as much...

So that is how Debbie Ettel made me cry.  I never told her this story and she almost caught me writing it.  But to Debbie, from all of the teachers, administrators, parent, kids and people that you have made feel bad because there are not enough of you, Thank You.  You are my marigold and my Joy.

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